When talking about gaming, few people would think of gaming on mac, which is quite understandable seeing as how mac computers aren't particularly well-suited for this type of activity. The bundle we've linked here includes all 6 official half life games plus the half life 1: source remake (which is not a very good remake, so we don't recommend it) and team fortress classic, which could offer some nostalgia fun with friends but is inferior to the infinitely more popular team fortress 2 (which is also available for mac).

There is no doubt about it: cuphead is one of the most graphically arresting games out there. The game, much like blizzard's overwatch, allows players to choose a champion which is divided into four categories - front line, damage, support, and flank - and play with their friends to take down the enemy team. The apple ecosystem is home to a lot more games these days partially thanks to the addition of apple arcade , which adds a bunch more games to dive into.

If you're going to repost old articles at least check whether the games you're recommending do run on the latest os, duh. Nevertheless, starcraft 2, developed by blizzard , is still a major gaming title and a well-established e-sport with frequent tournaments and highly-skilled players. Unlike league of legends, however, all heroes a free to play from the beginning and you don't have to grind for in-game currency to buy new heroes.

While civ vi isn't available free, battle for wesnoth is a turn-based strategy title that you should definitely check out on macos. Your collection is exchangeable with other players through game currency. The game, which is developed by turbine, is perfect for fans of the lotr franchise and takes the player on an amazing journey across middle-earth.

That being said, it remains one of the best free mac games you can play. To start off our list, we will tell you about a well-known gaming title that has been around for quite some time and is still going strong with tenths of millions of active players. If puzzle games are your thing, portal 2 needs to be in your mac games library.